Food Containers

Food Containers

ProductPack Format
Infinity HP6 White Food Tray 220 x 1 ea
Infinity HP4 Food Tray 150 x 1 ea
Infinity TT10 White Food Tray 220 x 1 ea
Infinity HP2 White Food Tray 220 x 1 ea
Infinity HP4/3 Food Tray 150 x 1 ea
7x5" Bagasse Chip Tray 1000 x 1 ea
Foil Container No.2 147x122x40mm 1000 x 1 ea
[POI] Medium 'On The Go' Box With Window 250 x 1 ea
[POI] Large 'On The Go' Box With Window 150 x 1 ea
[POI] Childrens Wildlife Meal Box 250 x 1 ea
Pizza Boxes 9" 100 x 22 cm
[POI] Pizza Boxes 12" 100 x 30 cm
250ml Square Salad Box 500 x 1 ea
375ml Square Salad Box 500 x 1 ea
500ml Square Salad Box 500 x 1 ea
750ml Rectangular Salad Box 300 x 1 ea
1000ml Rectangular Salad Box 200 x 1 ea
Deep Fill Clear Sandwich Wedge 500 x 1 ea
Cake / Gateaux Wedge 500 x 1 ea
[POI] Natural Tortilla Sleeve 1000 x 1 ea
[POI] Afternoon Tea 'Platter' Box 60 x 1 ea
Large Octagonal Black Platter Base 50 x 1 ea
Lid For Large Octagonal Platter 50 x 1 ea